Retreats for various organizations

Client: Other

Have led retreats for various organizations, including the Arboretum Botanic Garden Committee, Arboretum Foundation, Bayview, Bellwether Housing, Burke Museum, Dunn Gardens, Fauntleroy Community Service Center, Greater Seattle Chamber of Commerce, Harborview Medical Center, History Link, Neighbor to Neighbor, St. Andrews Housing Group, San Juan County Land Bank, SBRI, Seattle Housing Authority, Seattle Parks Foundation, Town Hall Seattle, and UW Botanic Gardens. Helped each organization identify the objectives and outcomes needed from the retreat; ensure involvement of the necessary people; and develop the agenda and format. Facilitated the retreats and conducted follow-up activities including decision summaries and recommendations. In some cases, assisted with further work on the recommendations. (2006 – present)

Results: Each retreat helped set the direction for the organization’s next phase of work.
