Technical Assistance for Grant Opportunities

Client: Public Health – Seattle and King County

Provided technical assistance (TA) to organizations interested in submitting proposals for either of two funding opportunities: Health Care for the Homeless Request for Qualifications (HCH RFQ), and Community Health Partnerships Request for Applications (CHP RFA) for access providers. Tasks included offering comments on the draft RFQ and RFA, creating a checklist of the RFQ requirements for applicants, and providing group TA at the bidders’ conferences and individualized TA on request. We conducted group TA at four HCH workshops, and individual TA for four nonprofit organizations responding to the HCH RFQ, and to six organizations responding to the CHP RFA. (2017)

Results: Three of the four organizations for whom we provided TA for HCH and three of the six for whom we provided TA on Community Health Partnerships received funding awards from Public Health.
