Bands of Green I: A Preliminary Plan for Boulevards, Trails and Linear Parks for Seattle in the 21st Century
A visionary plan to renew the Olmstead vision for a connected park system in Seattle. Prepared for Seattle Parks and Recreation. (1990) Download (PDF)
Bands of Green II
A visionary plan for linear parks, boulevards and trails in the City of Seattle to be in place by 2025. Includes recommendations for trails, boulevards and open space networks, with two major new open-space systems: Lakes to Sound, and Duwamish River. (2007) The 2008 Seattle Parks and Green Spaces Levy included three Bands of Green trails. Download (PDF)
Bands of Green III: 2011 Update and Recommendations
Summarizes accomplishments and lessons learned, and recommends the next steps. Prepared for Seattle Parks Foundation. (2011) Download (PDF)
Be Active Together: Neighborhood House 2013 Progress Report
Report to the community on a five-year grant project to improve the health of the residents of two public housing communities through increased opportunities for physical activity and development of community leaders. Prepared for Neighborhood House. (2013) Download (PDF)
Central South King County Venture: A Strategic Plan to Reduce Poverty
A 10-year plan to reduce poverty in five communities in south King County. Prepared for the Northwest Area Foundation. (2004) Download (PDF)
Connecting Washington: Strategic Transportation Investments To Strengthen Washington’s Economy and Create Jobs
Report of a 31-member task force convened by the Governor providing recommendations for a 10-year strategy to maintain and improve the state’s transportation system. (2012) Download (PDF)
Creating Connections: Recommendations on the Eastside Rail Corridor from the Regional Advisory Council
Recommendations to make an abandoned rail corridor through King County’s Eastside region into a corridor for trail, high-capacity transit and utility uses. Prepared for corridor owners King County, City of Kirkland, City of Redmond, Puget Sound Energy, and Sound Transit. (2013) Download (PDF)
Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program, Head Start and Early Head Start: Washington State Profile 2011
A summary of the state- and federally-supported early childhood education programs in Washington state, with their status in 2011. Prepared for Washington State Department of Early Learning. (2011) Download (PDF)
Feasibility Study of Inter-jurisdictional Housing Programs for Snohomish County
Explores options for creating a new program enabling multiple jurisdictions to work together to expand affordable housing opportunities in Snohomish County. Examines afforable housing needs and the interest in an inter-jurisdictional program to create more such housing, and provides recommendations and a plan of action. (2009) Download (PDF)
2015 Filipino Community Data and Survey Report: Pre-Feasibility Study for a Seattle-Area Filipino Business Plaza
Summarizes demographic research on the Filipino community in Seattle and King County, and the results of a survey and key-person interviews exploring the potential for a Filipino Business Plaza. Prepared for Filipino Chamber of Commerce of the Pacific Northwest. (2015) Download report (large file) (PDF), Executive Summary (PDF)
Getting School Ready Neighborhood/School Transition Teams Handbook
A handbook for communities using neighborhood-school teams to help improve children’s school readiness, including suggested activities, forms and materials. Prepared for SOAR, helping kids reach for the sky, Washington Alliance for Better Schools, and other organizations in King County, Washington. (2005) Download (PDF)
Hearing from the People: Lessons at the intersection of sustainability and social justice
An article by Tom Byers and Trang D. Tu published in AIA Forum (Fall 2009, p. 17) about “green” seasonal housing for farmworkers that is proposed to replace the 60-year-old farm labor camps in western Washington’s Skagit Valley. Download (PDF)
Housing Affordability: Final Report and Recommendations from the Pierce County Housing Affordability Task Force
Examines the affordable housing needs of Pierce County residents, and recommends priorities and strategies to increase the supply of affordable housing. (2007) This report received a Puget Sound Regional Council Vision 2020 Award for 2008. Download (PDF)
Impact of the Helix Project on Local and State Revenue
Study by Paul Sommers, Ph.D., and Tom Byers on the direct tax benefits of retaining Amgen (formerly Immunex) in Seattle with their research and technology center on the waterfront. (2002) Download (PDF)
King County Metro Service Guidelines Task Force Report and Recommendations
Recommendations of a stakeholder task force appointed by the County Council to review the service guidelines. The 31-member task force’s uanimous recommendations included: changing Metro’s transit service types; revising the guidelines to better provide social equity and geographic value; expanding alternative services; improving the transit planning process; expanding partnerships; and seeking resources through funding and efficiencies. (2015) Download (PDF)
King County Regional Transit Task Force Final Report and Recommendations
Recommendations of a stakeholder task force appointed by the King County Council and County Executive to consider a policy framework to guide the potential future growth, and, if necessary, the contraction of King County Metro Transit. Cedar River Group served as the facilitator of the task force, and prepared the report and recommendations. (2010) The Municipal League awarded the 2011 James R. Ellis Regional Leadership Award to the task force. Download (PDF)
King County Veterans and Human Services Levy Annual Report
Reports on the accomplishments funded through the Veterans and Human Services Levy, which provides $16 million a year to help veterans and others in need. Prepared for King County. (2011 – 2016) Download 2011 (PDF) Download 2012 (PDF) Download 2013 (PDF) Download 2014 (PDF) Download 2015 (PDF) Download 2016 (PDF)
Mayor’s Education Summit – Final Report of the Advisory Group
Recommendations for actions the City of Seattle can take in partnership with the Seattle School District and community-based organizations to close the opportunity gap for students of color. (2016) Download full report (PDF) Download report w/o appendices (PDF)
Moving to Higher Ground: Potential Roles for Philanthropy in Helping Washington’s Communities Cope with Disasters
Summarizes strengths and gaps in the state disaster response system and explores roles the philanthropic sector can play. Prepared for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle Foundation, and United Way of King County. (2009) Download (PDF)
North Cascades Initiative: Issues and Opportunities
This report provides findings from stakeholder interviews, a spectrum of strategic options, and a list of follow-up actions. Prepared for the Wilderness Society. (2010) Download (PDF)
On Common Ground: Meeting the Need for Farmworker Housing in Washington State
A report to the Washington State Legislature about progress in meeting the need for farmworker housing. The report assesses the results of state investments in farmworker housing since 1997, updates a 2005 report on the need for permanent and seasonal housing, and suggests strategies to fill the current needs. Prepared for Sea Mar Community Health Centers. (2012) Download (PDF)
Parks and Green Spaces Levy Citizens’ Advisory Committee Final Report
Summarizes the committee’s work in reviewing the existing needs for parks in the City of Seattle and presents a proposal for a parks ballot measure in November 2008. (2008) Download (PDF)
Pathways to Prosperity
A 10-year plan for the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians to reduce poverty and create pathways to a better life for future generations. Also, a progress report at the halfway point. (2006, 2011) Download 2006 plan (PDF) Download 2011 update (PDF)
Payment Reform Proposal for the Children’s Health Care System in Washington
also, Fulfilling the Promise of Apple Health for Kids: Payment Reform Proposals to Achieve the Triple Aim
Summary of the status and suggested improvements to Apple Health for Kids, the health insurance program in Washington state covering Medicaid-eligible children. White paper and presentation slides. Prepared for the Washington Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics. (2012) Download white paper (PDF) Download slides (PDF)
PCC Farmland Trust Strategic Plan, 2012-25
Plan to focus the effort to permanently preserve local organic farmland. (2011) Download (PDF)
Quiet Crisis: Age Wave Maxes Out Affordable Housing, King County 2008 – 2025
Presents trends of increasing need for low-income senior housing, and strategies for policy and services to fill these needs. Prepared for Aging and Disability Services; City of Seattle Office of Housing, and Human Services Department; Seattle Housing Authority; King County Housing Authority; and King County Housing & Community Development. (2009) Download (PDF)
Ready by Five (East Yakima Early Learning Initiative) Business Plan and Update
A plan and updated funding proposal to create sustainable, high-quality early learning opportunities for children birth through age 5 in a low-income area of Yakima, Washington. (2007, 2009) Download 2007 plan (PDF) Download 2009 update (PDF)
Recommendations of the King County Farms and Food Roundtable
Recommendations on preserving additional farmland in King County, and increasing market and distribution opportunities for local small and mid-sized farmers in King County, including means to aggregate local products. The Roundtable comprised 35 people experienced in local farming, food processing, distribution, marketing, financing and technical assistance. Sponsors: King County, City of Seattle, and Pike Place Market Preservation and Development Authority. (2014) Download (PDF)
Regional Veterans Initiative Report and Recommendations
A report on the needs of veterans in King County and a plan of action to help them access services. Prepared for King County with input from special advisors appointed by the County Executive, and many stakeholders. (2013) Download (PDF)
Rural Resources for Washington State (Partners for Rural Washington)
A directory of resources for rural communities and residents. Lists 203 programs and grant opportunities from government agencies, nonprofits and philanthropies, organized by topic, and with an index by program, agency and keyword. (2017) Download (PDF)
Seattle Art Museum 2010 & 2012 Sustainability Plan
A strategic plan for Seattle Art Museum to weather the recession that started in 2008, and emerge stronger and prepared to move ahead. (2010) Download (PDF)
Seattle Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda, Final Advisory Committee Recommendations
Strategies to generate a net increase of 20,000 units of affordable housing and 30,000 new units of market rate housing over the next 10 years. (2015) Download (PDF)
Seattle Parks Foundation Five-Year Vision
A strategic plan for projects and actions in 2008 through 2013. (2008) Download (PDF)
Seattle Street Vacation Stakeholder Workgroup Final Report
Recommended enhancements to the city’s street vacation process, especially related to: public benefit, community engagement, and the roles of the City Council and Design Commission. (2017) Download (PDF)
Sharing the Benefits of Building Green: A Study of the High Point Community
Assesses the “green” features of the High Point public housing project from three angles: (1) costs and benefits of the sustainability features; (2) the impact on residents’ attitudes and behaviors regarding conservation; and (3) the impact of public policies on both housing authorities and residents to conserve. The study proposes a new paradigm to get the most out of sustainability features in public housing. (2009) Download (PDF)
Snohomish County Parks and Recreation Outreach and Marketing Study
A study of the park and recreation system’s offerings and users, and a recommended outreach and marketing plan. (2004) Download (PDF)
Suggestions for Moving Forward with Health Reform in Washington State
A white paper providing trends in the health care reform approaches in Washington and nine other leading states (California, Connecticut, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Oregon, Vermont, Wisconsin), along with suggestions for furthering reform in Washington. Prepared for the Community Health Network of Washington. (2012) Download (PDF)
Sustaining Seattle’s Parks: A Study of Alternative Strategies to Support Operations and Maintenance of a Great Urban Parks System
A study of national trends in park funding, options for funding and their advantages and disadvantages, and recommendations. Prepared for Seattle Parks Foundation. (2012) Download (PDF)
Tacoma & Pierce County Clean Air Task Force: Report and Recommendations to Puget Sound Clean Air Agency
Recommendations by a panel of local community and business leaders and elected officials on solutions for reducing fine particle air pollution in Tacoma & Pierce County. Prepared for Puget Sound Clean Air Agency. (2011) Download (PDF)
University of Washington Botanic Gardens Strategic Plan
A plan to sharpen the focus of the Botanic Gardens and lay out strategies for a year. (2007) Download (PDF)
Washington State Early Learning and Development Guidelines, Birth through 3rd Grade
Guidelines for parents, child care providers and teachers to support children’s healthy development. CRG facilitated the 51-member steering committee, and drafted the guidelines. Prepared for Thrive by Five Washington, Dept. of Early Learning, and Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. (2012) Download (PDF)
Washington Early Learning Plan
A 10-year strategic plan for outcomes and strategies for early care and learning to improve school readiness. CRG facilitated the 36-member steering committee and five work groups, and drafted the plan. Prepared for Thrive by Five Washington, Dept. of Early Learning, and Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. (2010) Download (PDF)
Washington Early Learning State and Local Coordination Project: Final Report and Recommendations of Project Steering Committee
Recommendations to strengthen the early learning system in Washington state through improved coordination at the state and regional levels. Prepared for Dept. of Early Learning, Thrive by Five Washington, and Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. (2013) Download (PDF)